
Caerphilly Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all of our users. The club is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice as well as LTA minimum requirements.

“Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: not responding to a safeguarding concern is not an option.”

Our Welfare Officers are:

Andrea AmblerThomas Foreman
“I’m mum to Charlie and Dylan who have been playing for many years now. I’m also Treasurer for CTC and run the welcome desk at key events.”“I got back in to tennis in 2021 having not played since a teen. I love playing, and help at events and on the Committee. Professionally, I’m a GP.”
Both Andrea and Thomas can be emailedat:
Mobile: 07983 179766Mobile: 07414 997833

For further information, please see the noticeboard inside our clubhouse or head to our Club Policies page for online versions of all CTC Policies.
Please see guidance for reporting a concern below as well as links to other useful resources.